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Aleutian Disease
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Jill Jabs
Jill Jabs 2010 Sunday 21st March. Ferrets that missed the Sunday session or need to be done again. Graham has agreed Beech House Veterinary Centre will jab any club members ferret that need to be injected before or after the set date for a fee of £10.00p each ferret. You will need your club membership card. Make sure the receptionist knows about our agreement with Mr Campbell as he has a lot of new staff and trainees. For the control of oestrous in ferrets. Gone are the days when every jill (female) ferret had a litter of kits every year but un-spayed jills still come into oestrus every spring and will remain in heat until autumn. Unless this is dealt with serious health problems can arise. If like me you do not wish to have your jills spayed there are two options open to you. One is the use of a vasectomised hob but keep the hob for use on your own jills because in the past we found that using one hob on several owner’s jills caused the spread of some diseases. My favourite method is with the hormone injection of Proligestone (Delvesteron .5 mg) in late March or…
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Homes Wanted
Homes Wanted Please phone Nichola on 01425 673096 FERRETS LOOKING FOR GOOD HOMES The R.S.P.C.A shelter at Stubbington has pet ferrets needing homes 013 29667541 The R.S.P.C.A. at Ashley Heath, Ringwood also has ferrets for adoption 01425 473896 R.S.P.C.A. Ferrets are normally £25.00p each and come neutered and micro chipped.
Micro Chipping
THE MICRO CHIPPING OF FERRETS WE now have the chips and associated equipment. WE have people trained for inserting the chips into the ferrets. The chips are the size of a small grain of rice and will be inserted under the skin between the shoulder blades. Each chip has it’s own individual number which can be read by scanners held the Police, RSPCA and other similar bodies, who can then trace it back to the Wessex Ferret Club by the computerised register. At least four club members have had their ferrets stolen and know of the problems in describing their ferrets to the police. The chips will avoid such problems of identification. If you wish your ferrets to be chipped and they are Aleutian negative then contact Jo to arrange a time and place. The price per ferret is £3.50p each. This is thanks to the time effort and work done by members over the past years, the club has now accumulated sufficient funds to enable us to subsidies the chipping costs considerably for members. CONTACT JO SCOTT for details. HERE ARE SOME PICTURES OF IT BEING DONE BY JO AND JOHN.
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Last modified: October 30, 2023
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